miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


What is a WEBQUEST?

Webquests were invented by Bernie Dodge and Tom March at San Diego State University in 1995. Webquests are learning activity used by teachers. The idea is that with these webquests students read, analyze, understand, and synthesize information they get using the World Wide Web (www).

According to Dodge and March “a webquest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web”. Webquest has an introduction (explain what is the webquest for and give the purpose of the activity), directions (what students have to do in the webquest and usually with a list of links to follow to develop and complete the activity).

Some advantages of webquest are:
Learners improve reading and textual comprehension.
Learners complete several tasks using cognitive tools.

Some disadvantages are:
Learners can just cut and paste without paying enough attention to the real purpose of the activity.
Whereas teacher is checking a student the other can be watching other things (e-mail, games, xxx).

It could be interesting use webquest in my school. I’m going to develop a webquest and in a month I’ll give my results.

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